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Chenghuang Temple

Chenghuang Temple, originated in the ancient water ( dry moat ) commonplace ( city ) ritual, as the" Palace" one week eight. " The city " refers to the original excavation to build walls," dry moat " refers to the original no water retaining the moat. The ancient city was made in order to protect the people 's safety, so taking the tall wall, towers, gates and moat, city moat. They think that lives with people, production safety is closely related to the things of God, are in, so the city and dry moat was deified as the city's patron. Taoism put it into their own gods, called it off evil, protect a country to protect state of God, and the tube collar infernal spirits.

Shanghai P-A   Beijing-->Shanghai-->Beijing (One Day Tour)
Shanghai P-B   Beijing-->Shanghai-->Beijing (Two Days Tour)
Shanghai P-C   Beijing-->Shanghai--->Suzhou--->Shanghai (Three Days Tour)
Shanghai P-D   Beijing-->Shanghai-->Suzhou-->Hangzhou-->Shanghai-->Beijing (Five Days Tour)
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