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A Yangtze River Cruise in China is a great way to explore the country’s rich heritage. The world’s third-longest river, the majestic Yangtze is filled with atmospheric passages. From the vantage point of your ship’s deck, you’ll view ancient temples, towering cliffs, timeless villages and the atmospheric Three Gorges area, including the historic damn project.

For over two centuries the Yangtze has served as a transportation highway and commercial thoroughfare. Ocean-going vessels can navigate up the river for 1000 km and steamers can travel as far as Yichang, 1600 km from the sea. A quarter of China’s ocean-going cargo enters the river between Shanghai and the sea. Shanghai is known as the gateway to the Yangtze, spanning the Huangpu tributary just south of the river’s mouth. As China’s largest metropolis, Shanghai is an active hub of river commerce with thousands of boats crowding its harbor. Towering commercial ships stand out against the industrial shores, and countless ‘junks’, weather and sea-worn vessels topped with browning quilted sails, navigate the congested waterways.

Other important cities dot the shore of the Yangtze, but perhaps none equal the historic significance, both triumphant and tragic, of Nanjing. Dating back at least two and a half millennia, the ‘Southern Capital’ has seen eight dynasties including the celebrated Ming in its entire cultural splendor. Nanjing also saw tragedy and destruction during WWII when the Japanese invaded resulting in the loss of 150,000 civilian lives. Nanjing now boasts some of China’s most advanced technology and a prestigious university. The city stands as a symbol of Chinese strength and self-sufficiency, a monument of the people on their great river.

Every year the Yangtze deposits massive amounts of silt (more than 170 million cum/6 billion cu ft annually), that helps make up Jiangsu Province, a large plain used to grow rice. The fertile plains provide one of the most profitable areas of agriculture in China. Today China accounts for 35% of the world’s rice production. Rice is the world’s single most important food crop and a primary food for more than a third of the world’s population. China seeks to provide for its increasing population with improved agricultural technology and an increase in fertile land. The Yangtze provides crucial irrigation to Jiangsu Province which continues to produce abundant harvests.

Aside from its transit, economic and agricultural importance, the Yangtze winds through some of China’s most scenic landscapes. The common Chinese saying, ‘If you haven’t traveled up the mighty Yangtze, you haven’t been anywhere’, well describes the river’s range of picturesque landscapes. North of the Himalayas at the Yangtze’s origin (elevation 4900 m), the Tibetan Plateau has mighty glaciers and enduring snows which continuously melt into the Yangtze. Winding south and leaving the high country, the river meets the world-renowned Three Gorges which tower above it in the western Wu Shan (Witch Mountains). Known in the past for their dramatic beauty as well as religious and historical sites, the Three Gorges have recently received much attention due to the building of the controversial dam. The Yangtze stretches 192 km through the Three Gorges, Xiling, Wu, and Qutang. The perilous Xiling Gorge, furthest down river, often stands shrouded in mists. It threatens weary river vessels with whirlpools, rapids, and water cannons that can easily leave even large watercraft upside down. It is known for its sheer walls and the accelerated river beneath them. The Wu Gorge is tranquil and quiet with a deep valley and twelve peaks along its shores. Qutang Gorge boasts great magnificence in a brief eight-kilometer distance. Its scenic shores contain the Meng Liang Staircase, the ancient

The culture of the Yangtze River area is based on the beliefs of the Ba and Shu cultures of ancient China. This mixed culture dominated large areas of Sichuan and Hubei Provinces, along with neighboring areas. The most notable feature of Ba and Shu culture is the belief in the power of spirits, relating to the many cliff coffins sites as well as Fengdu, City of Ghosts. A series of conflicts about 1700 years ago left an indelible mark in the form of historical relics and popular legends which are still recounted today.
Yangtze River Sightseeing Attractions

Ancient Plank Road in Qutang Gorge

Traces of an ancient plank road remain on the face of a steep cliff on the north side of Qutang Gorge. The plank road overhangs the river below and used to be the only passage to Sichuan. It was built by Chinese stone craftsmen and is a most spectacular and precarious relic of ancient masonry. Extending over 18.6 miles is a plank road built on the cliff from Wushan County to Qinglianxi (Green Lotus Stream) at the border of Hubei Province. At a distance the plank road looks like a flying dragon, long and majestic.

Situated at the top of Baidishan Mountain on the northern shore of Qutang Gorge. Baidicheng is a beautiful sight with its vermilion walls and flying eaves. The town has a history of 2,000 years and there is a wealth of historic sites of the Shu-Han period, along with numerous stone tablet inscriptions. Du Fu, Li Bai, Bai Juyi and Su Shi, all famous poets, had visited the town during their lifetimes and left a legacy of writing in praise of this historic town, which has become a city of immortal poetry. Du Fu had written as many as 430 verses in Baidicheng.

One can find the site of Daxi Culture where the Yangtze and Daxi rivers join in the eastern end of Qutong Gorge. Since 1955, Chinese archeologists have excavated many cultural relics of the Neolithic Age (about 5,000 years ago) including stone artifacts, bone tools and potteries.
On the north shore of the Yangtze, between Fengjie and Baidicheng, there is a rectangular stone which stretches into the river. Lu Xun of the State of Wu defeated the army led by Liu Bei and gave chase to him. Zhuge Liang arranged a battle array with eight positions, by which means he forced the Wu army to retreat.

Fairy Peak is on the northern shore of Wu Gorge and is the most famous of the 12 Peaks of Wushan. A huge limestone column stands 20 feet high atop the mountain. It resembles a standing girl with exquisite figure. Legend says that the column is the embodiment of a celestial girl, named Yao Ji, daughter of the Queen of the West. She descended from heaven to help Da Yu to conquer floods. She decided to stay among men to ensure the safety of boats that pass through the Three Gorges. Standing out from clouds and fog, she appears beautiful and mysterious.

Fengdu is the name of the abode of ghosts or town of devils, an ancient city of more than a thousand years. Since the Tang Dynasty, 48 temples full of sculptures, frescos and statues of demons and devils have been built on a hill. Located just south of Chongqing, it is frequently the first shore excursion when cruising downstream on the Yangtze River.

The origin of the town’s extraordinary reputation as a shrine dedicated to the gods of the underworld dates back to the Han dynasty, when two officials became Daoists, living a reclusive life and eventually becoming immortals. According to the popular religious belief, the dead come to dwell in Fengdu and the evil souls go on to hell. In Chinese mythology, it’s said that those who commit acts of evil during their lifetime will be destined for the hell at the 18th layer under ground after a trial and will have to endure eternal punishment. Shopkeepers used to keep a basin of water for customers to throw their coins in and those that floated were thought to be ghost money and unacceptable. There is a cable car up to the temple complex or it can be reached by a 30 minute hike.

Situated on the north shore of Qutang Gorge, the city of Fengjie has huge towering city gates facing the Yangtze. Liu Bei of the Three Kingdoms Period named the city “Yong’an” and on his deathbed, he entrusted the upbringing of his son to a man named Zhuge Liang who lived in the Palace of Everlasting Peace, or Yong’an. The site of the palace remains to this day. The grave of Madam Gan, wife of Liu Bei is also in the city. The city was called Fengjie during the Tang Dynasty and was placed under the jurisdiction of Kuizhou. There have been many poems and essays written about Yong’an in the past. The most famous of all was by the poet Du Fu, who came to the city and said, “Boundless vegetation droops down bleakly as the waters of Yangtze roll along endlessly.”

Also known as Kui Gorge, Qutang is the first point that visitors traveling eastward reach in the Three Gorges. The first section extends from Baidicheng (White Emperor Town) to Daxi Township in Wushan County, extending about 4.9 miles. High cliffs and steep precipices with sharp edges rise one after another on either side of the narrow gorge. The poet Bai Juyi described the gorge by writing, “The shore looks like two screens. The sky has been cut out.” Within the gorge there is Baidicheng, the ancient plank road built on the cliff, and the sites of Daxi culture.

Shennong, or Holy Farmer (a legendary figure who invented the plough) Stream is in west Hubei Province. It is over 37.2 miles long and runs from north to south, emptying into Wu Gorge in the east. Floating on the stream is a popular shore excursion during a Yangtze River Cruise. Visitors float in a broad beamed boat, which takes them to Mianzhu Gorge, Yingwu or Parrot Gorge and Longchang Gorge. The waterway is narrow and luxurious vegetation covers both shores. Monkeys and wild goats can be seen and the atmosphere is rustic. Plank roads on the cliffs and hanging coffins are also visible.

There is a huge grotto in a precipice on Jixianfeng Peak on the northern shore of the Yangtze River. Six Chinese characters describe Wu Gorge as having ‘rock after rock and peak after peak’. Some of the words are hard to read as a result of erosion. They were written in the Three Kingdoms Period by Zhuge Liang.

It is located at the Light Shadow Gorge, 10.5 miles from Yichang. There are rapids, grotesque rocks, unusual caves, a sweet water fountain, a secluded valley, as well as sites of Chinese resistance in the war against Japanese aggression. Other sights include Mingyue Bay, Shilingpai, and Light Shadow Cave. Many poems composed by literary figures of different dynasties can be seen here. A historical battle took place in Shipai in April, 1945 and was regarded as a Chinese Stalingrad. The tour includes aspects of the war of resistance for those interested in history.

Qu Yuan (340 BC-278 BC) lived in the State of Chu during the Warring States Period. A temple was built in Zigui, birthplace of the poet, where a bronze statue now stands. The Qu Yuan Memorial Hall is in the main architectural structure and the tomb of Qu Yuan is located in the back.

Lepingli or Luojiaoping is the birthplace of Qu Yuan. It is 18 miles east of Zigui County. There are many historic sites, such as the Reading Cave and Poetry Reciting Platform. A well, which served as a mirror for Qa Yuan, still remains.

The county is situated at the confluence of the Yangtze and Daning Rivers, at the northern end of Wu Gorge. It is a picturesque place with a long history dating back to the Spring and Autumn Period. It was named Wushan in the Sui Dynasty. The famous poet Lu You said that as the county is located in the gorge, it is provided with a magnificent view. Visitors to the county can view the clouds and rain of the Wushan Mountains, the Lu You Cave and the features of Fairy Peak. It is a popular place for tourists visiting the Three Gorges.

Xiangxi Stream is between Wu Gorge and Xiling Gorge, and is a tributary of the Yangtze. By proceeding from the upper reaches of Xiangxi Stream visitors can arrive at Zhaojun Village. Zhaojun was an imperial concubine in the Han Dynasty. She volunteered in 33 BC to enter into marriage with an ethnic tribal leader beyond the Great Wall. She played a considerable role in preventing a military invasion, by becoming the wife of Chan Yu, chief Huhanye. Places and objects in the village associated with her can be found such as her dressing table, Niangniang Platform, the residence of Zhaojun, Purple Bamboo Garden and the Pavilion.
Deyuan stuffed dumplings are an unusual Chinese dumpling stuffed with pork, sweetened bean paste and sesame seeds. Back to top Yangtze River Shopping
Numerous shopping specialties enriched with characteristics of the local cities or towns along the Three Gorges are easily available through the tour. Some examples include:
Xiling Pottery, one of the famous pottery styles of China, is available in Yichang.
Four Treasures of the Study, namely the writing brush, ink stick, ink slab and paper are available.
Three Gorges Stone, a special type of stone, in fabulous patterns and shapes, believed by local people to represent different symbols in nature.
Sanxia citrus, wine and gold-headed centipede (for medicinal purposes) are all fun things to buy in this area.
Lacquer work, embroidery and replicas of famous cultural artifacts can be found in the historical and cultural stronghold of Jingzhou

YangtzCruise P-A   Beijing-->Chongqing-->YangtzeRiverCruise-->Yichang-->Beijing (Downstream)
YangtzCruise P-B   Beijing-->Yichang-->YangtzeRiverCruise--Chongqing--Beijing (Upstream)
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