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Great Wall at Mutianyu is located in northeast of Beijing Huairou County, 73 kilometers away from Beijing. This Great Wall in Changping County, Beijing west of the Pass, east of Gubeikou Beijing Miyun County, Beijing since ancient times protect military hub, known as "Wei Ling Pass." As early as in the Northern Qi Dynasty over 1400 years ago, we have built the Great Wall in Mutianyu. Reconstruction of the early Ming Dynasty, Ming Yongle year (AD 1404) to construct "Mutianyu clearance." Longqing three years (AD 1569), TAN, Qi when guarding the province, but also at the basis of the beginning of the Great Wall to be repaired. Reservations now to repair Mutianyu Great Wall, for the construction of the Ming Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty Great Wall is the best preserved remains of one of the lots.

Mutianyu Because of its geographical location is very important in this war there have been many times. The most famous of which is the number of wars in the Ming Dynasty, Ming Xu and metadata in early World War II soldiers did this. Mutianyu Great Wall built in multi-lateral edge of the steep, the mountain on the potential risk in Eritrea system. Wall 7.8 meters high, 4.5 meters wide, stone building materials to be mainly granite, majestic solid.

Mutianyu Great Wall,wide on both sides battlements low wall built to keep the enemy on both sides, lateral excavation also have blocked Ma Hang, so that more complete defense, this is a major characteristic.


Great Wall at Mutianyu:

P-G   Great Wall at Mutianyu and Ming Tombs
P-M   Summer Palace,Great Wall at Badaling or Mutianyu (choose one)Tour

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