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Jimingyi is located in Township crowing cock Station Village, about 150 kilometers from the downtown .it is a Ming Dynasty (1368 -1644) of the Inn remains. Station City covers an area of 22,000 square meters, the plane nearly square, the perimeter walls of 1891.8 meters. The surface is a brick wall, the inner layer is rammed earth. 8-11 meters wide at the bottom wall, the width of 3-5 meters, 11 meters high. Evenly distributed around the wall angle of 4 units. Things have to open a gate, has a tower. The city was Yandun. The five roads crossing the city, the city is divided into twelve regions of different sizes. Orderly distribution of city buildings, the Department District Station in the city center, the horse numbers in Northwest, Northeast Region for the relay position, south of Post Road near the city has something to pass. There are remnants of the ancient city of shops and residential areas. Bordering the city is China's Postal Station, Station of the valuable remains of the military with high heritage value.

Pu-H   Ancient Post Station Jimingyi One Day Tour

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