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Through Taichi, the weak can overcome the strong (Taichi Philosophy). The example often used is that of water overcoming rocks.

One of the main quality that we try to develop trough Taichi is therefore fluidity.

This fluidity implies other qualities like quietness, relaxation, flexibility, coordination, roundness, softness and awareness. All the qualities listed above are cultivated during a form where the moves are linked in a continuous, slow, soft and round way.

Anyone, regardless of age or physical ability, can practice tai chi. It doesn't take physical prowess. Rather, tai chi emphasizes technique over strength.

Tai chi is used to:
• Reduce stress
• Increase flexibility
• Improve muscle strength and definition
• Increase energy, stamina and agility
• Increase feelings of well-being

Like Qigong with its soft, rounded movements and its emphasis on stimulating the qi in ones body, Taichi is both a meditation and an exercise. Therefore, Taichi is not only an efficient martial art, but also an excellent way to improve the body and mind!

Pu-M   Taiji&Hutong One Day Tour

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