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Jokhang Temple

Located in the centre of the old Lhasa city and surrounded by the busy Barkhor Street, Jokhang Temple is regarded as the most sacred monastery and spiritual center of Tibet.

Jokhang Temple was built about 1350 years ago, during the reign of the first king of Tibet, Songsten Gampo, to welcome his bride, Princess Wencheng who came from Changan, the capital of the Tang Dynasty. Attempts to build the temple were initially unsuccessful, until the knowledgeable Princess Wencheng discerned from her knowledge of astrology that the geography of Tibet was like a hag, and attempts to construct the temple were being thwarted due to the fact of the unsuitability of the site of its attempted construction. Thus, the temple was constructed on its present site.

With a roof covered by gilded bronze tiles, Jokhang Temple is a timber complex construction with an architectural style combining Tang Dynasty, Tibetan and Nepalese. The temple houses many valuable cultural relics and treasures. Among them, the Buddhist statue of the 12-year old Jowo Sakyamuni is perhaps the most famous. Numerous Buddhists pilgrims come from afar to walk around the temple, day and night. Another highlight of the temple are the murals in the main hall which tell the story of princess Wencheng’s first arrival in Tibet, as well as other stories concerning the life of the temple.

There is a large square in front of the temple, and visitors can see the astonishing scene of many Buddhist devotees prostrating themselves before the temple. The temple was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site “Historic Ensemble of the Potala Palace” along with the Potala Palace itself, and is one of the most popular tourists’ attractions in Lhasa.

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