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Qiao Family Compound

Qiao’s Family Compound is located in the beautiful and rich Jinzhong Basin of Shanxi Province, about 50 kilometers away from Taiyuan, the capital city of the province. It is considered a masterpiece of traditional civil architecture in North China, and was once home to the famous financier Qiao Zhiyong of Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).

Qiao’s Family Compound was founded in 1756 during the Qing Dynasty, though has twice undergone renovation, and enlargement. Although two centuries have already passed, the compound still retains its original architectural style. Occupying an area of over eight thousand square meters, the Qiao Family Compound consists of six main courtyards, twenty smaller courtyards, as well as 313 rooms. Taking a bird’s view from above, the layout of the compound is similar to the Chinese character “xi”, which means happiness and luck. The whole complex has the appearance of a castle, creating a safe and tranquil environment. An eight meter-long paved path divides the compound into two parts: the Northern Yard and Southern Yard. Inside these yards there are gardens, stone stairs, quadrangular railings and doors, all of them exquisite in their designs.

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