Dongba research institute
Dongba means wise in Naxi language. They were the highest-level intellectuals in ancient times, activities of set songs, dance, classics, books, history, painting, for example a medical, the high status in society, often engage in religious activity to exercise, to eliminate civil disaster, to pray to the gods to bring human well-being. They were seen as the media for people between God, and ghost. Dongba Research Institute was established in 1981. Chinese experts began collecting copies of these scriptures in the 1950s. Foreigners had been collecting them since the 1920s.
More than 25,000 copies of such scriptures, in 1,000 categories, have been discovered. Lijiang has 6,500 copies of Dongba scriptures, recording the Naxi culture over a 1,000-year period.
The institute, in addition to collecting as many copies as possible, began translating the scriptures three years ago.