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Huang Shan Scenic Area

Huangshan Scenic Area, located in Huangshan City, Anhui Province, China, is widely known as one of the Top Ten Scenic Areas in China. It was inscribed on the World Cultural and Natural Heritage List by United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization in December, 1990. In 2000, Huangshan Scenic Area was officially approved as a National AAAAA Tourist Attraction. In February, 2004, Huangshan Mountain was approved as a World Geological Park.

Huangshan Scenic Area can be divided to several major areas, including Yuping Scenic Area, White Cloud Scenic Area, North Sea Scenic Area, Pine Valley Scenic Area, Cloud Valley Scenic Area, Hot Spring Scenic Area and Dreamland Scenic Area. Each of these scenic areas, with the unparalleled charms, draws an endless of domestic and foreign visitors.

Huangshan Mountain is world-renowned for the five unique scenic features which are the imaginative ancient pines, the grotesque rocks, the fabulous sea of clouds, the inviting hot springs and the amazing snowscape in winters. Huangshan Mountain provides an excellent haven for roughly 110 rare ancient pine tress among which 31 pine trees have been listed as the World Heritage by UNESCO. The most famous pine trees on Huangshan Mountain include Guest-greeting Pine, Farewell Pine, Putuan Pine, Phoenix Pine, Chessboard Pine and Kylin Pine, etc. These strong trees always remind us of the famous saying by Friedrich Nietzsche, "For a tree to become tall it must grow tough roots among the rocks." After receiving snow in winters, Huangshan Mountain emerges like an imaginary wonderland. The snow-covered peaks look like the fully-blooming snow lotus, which makes for a truly amazing sight.

Huangshan Scenic Area experiences subtropical monsoon climate and the annual average temperature is roughly 7.8 ℃. Treat yourself to a breathtaking panoramic view of the sheer cliffs, the inspiring pine trees, the secluded valleys, the spectacular waterfalls, the grotesque rocks, the fog-cloaked hills, the lush forests atop of the Lotus Peak which is the highest peak in Huangshan Scenic Area. The fantastic natural beauties will impress you.

Lotus Peak
Brightness Apex
Celestial Capital Peak
Beihai Scenic Area
Purple Cloud Peak
Begin-to-believe Peak
Flying Rock
Jade Screen Pavilion

Tunxi Ancient Street
Tunxi, a city steep in history, is a great bonus destination for tourists visiting Huangshan. It is the major gateway to Huangshan. You could stay in Tunxi and get to Huangshan Scenic Area in about an hour. Tunxi has budget accommodations, restaurants and something interesting to offer.

Deep and narrow, Tunxi Ancient Street were originally built in the Song dynasty. The street is paved with maroon flagstones with a total length of about 1,200 meters. The buildings here are in typical Hui-style. Most of them are only three stories high, stone-based and brick-laid, decorated with gray tiles, exquisite wood carvings, white walls, and horse-head double eaves on the roofs.

Tunxi Ancient Street is lined up with antique shops, medicine shops, steelyard stores, teahouses, restaurants and galleries. Many of these shops carry more than a hundred years of history. Nearly all the shops here sell traditional Chinese painting stationeries, where you can find the "Four Treasures of the Study". The shops, workshops and residences have continued to maintain the characteristics and operational layout of ancient stores such as "shop in the front and workshop or house in the back". These stores also continue to use the same methods of production, display and operation as they did in ancient times. Here, you can appreciate traditional Chinese curios and handicrafts, such as brush calligraphy, ink painting and woodcarving. Surround by many beautiful and elegant arts, the Tunxi Ancient Street is like a simple and unadorned gallery. It is a paradise for tourists to buy souvenirs rich in Chinese culture with comparatively lower price and is a must-see before or after hiking to HuangShan.

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