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Longji Terraces

Located in Longsheng County, the Longji Rice Terraces are about 100 km (2 hours drive) from Guilin. The most popular are Ping An Rice Terrace and Jinkeng Rice Terrace.

As the rice terraces resemble a dragon's scales, while the summit of the mountain range looks like the backbone of the dragon, so called Dragon- back Rice Terrace. You can see the dragon's backbone twisting off into the distance while standing on the top of the mountain . In an early morning, if the weather is fine, the sunrise on the summit of Longji Rice Terraces is magnificent.

History of Longji Rice Terrace can be dating back to Yuan Dynasty, but most of the Rice Terrace were built during the Ming Dynasty, about 500 years ago. The two ethnic groups live in the trerrace feild erea

Zhuang Minority

The Zhuang are the most populous among the ethnic minorities in China . Guilin is one of the homes of the Zhuang nationality. Zhuang ethnic nationality is centuries-old and is distributed in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Yunnan Province, Guangdong Province and Guizhou Province .Their culture is particularly rich and colorful.

The costume of the Zhuang is a simple design with the favored colors being blue and black. The women like to wear embroidered towels as headwear and an apron covered with exquisite handwork. Zhuang ladies will also wear intricate pieces of handmade silver earrings, bracelets and necklaces.

Yao Minority

The Zhuang are the most populous among the ethnic minorities in China . Guilin is one of the homes of the Zhuang nationality. Zhuang ethnic nationality is centuries-old and is distributed in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Yunnan Province, Guangdong Province and Guizhou Province .Their culture is particularly rich and colorful.

The costume of the Zhuang is a simple design with the favored colors being blue and black. The women like to wear embroidered towels as headwear and an apron covered with exquisite handwork. Zhuang ladies will also wear intricate pieces of handmade silver earrings, bracelets and necklaces.

P-A   Beijing-->Guilin-->Beijing (Three Days Tour)
P-B   Beijing-->Guilin-->Beijing (Four Days Tour)
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