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Datong P-B   Datong Three Days Tour


Highlights pax1 pax2 pax3 pax4 pax5 pax6 pax7
D1: Early flight from Beijing to Datong, Sightseeing at Yungang Grottoes, Huayan Monstery, Nine Dragon Screen, Shanhua Monastery

D2: Sightseeing at Hanging Temple, Wooden Pagoda

D3: Early flight from Datong to Beijing
4000 5500 7000 9000 11800 13200 14500
Around-trip airport pick up and drop off service in Beijing
700 1300
Package Includes:
Airport pick-up & drop-off service at Datong
Transportation with luxury car among visiting place
English tour guide service
Chinese Lunch
Scenic spot ticket (first entrance fee only)
Package Excludes:
Airport pick-up & drop-off service at Beijing
Round-trip domestic air plane tickets

Recommend Flights:
Beijing-Datong   CA1119 (1,3,4,5,7)   7:35-8:40am
Datong-Beijing   CA1120 (1,3,4,5,7)    9:30-10:30am


D1: Beijing -->Datong
  • Early flight from Beijing to Taiyuan

  • Drive from airport to Qiao Family’s compound

  • Sightseeing at Yungang Grottoes(云冈石窟).
  • Yungang Grottoes is located at the foot of Wuzhou Mountain, about 16 km west of Datong. It is is one of China's biggest grottoes with world-famous treasure-collection of arts and culture.

  • Sightseeing at Huayan Monastery (华严寺).
  • This monastery is on the western side of Datong city. The original monastery dates back to AD 1140 and the reign of Emperor Tian Ju'an of the Jin dynasty. The entire complex is being developed into a regional museum.

  • Chinese lunch

  • From the restaurant to the Nine Dragon Screen

  • Sightseeing at Nine Dragon Screen(九龙壁).
  • One of Datong's several 'dragon screens'-tiled walls depicting fire-breathing dragons. It was originally part of the gate of the palace of Ming dynasty emperor Ming Taizu's 13th son, and is 8m high, over 45m long and 2m thick.

  • Sightseeing at Shanhua Monastery(善化寺).
  • Built during the Tang dynasty, rebuilt in AD 1120, further restoration was done during the Ming dynasty. The main hall contains statues of 24 divine generals. There is a small dragon screen within the monastery grounds.

  • Accommodating at Datong Hotel

  • D2: Datong
  • Sightseeing at the Hanging Temple (悬空寺)
  • This monastery is just outside the town of Hunyuan, 65km south-east of Datong. Built precariously on sheer cliffs above Jinlong Canyon, the monastery dates back more than 1400 years. Its halls and pavilions were built along the contours of the cliff face using the natural hollows and outcrops. The buildings are connected by corridors, bridges and boardwalks and contain bronze, iron and stone statues of gods and buddhas.

  • Chinese lunch

  • Sightseeing at the Wooden pagoda(应县木塔)
  • This 11-century pagoda at Yingxian, 70km south of Datong, is one of the oldest wooden buildings in the world. It's said that not a single nail was used in the on structure of the nine-storey.

  • Finish the whole day trip, drive guest to Datong downtown..

  • Accommodating at Datong hotel.

  • D3: Datong -->Beijing
  • Drop-off guest to the Datong airport, early flight from Datong to Beijing.
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